120.365 (19S) Gefüllt und verhungert: Globalisierung und Entwicklung (über)denken

Sommersemester 2019

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11.03.2019 11:00 - 15:00 V.1.07 On Campus
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LV-Titel englisch Stuffed and starved: (Re)thinking globalization and development
LV-Art Seminar (prüfungsimmanente LV )
Semesterstunde/n 2.0
ECTS-Anrechnungspunkte 4.0
Anmeldungen 11 (35 max.)
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
LV-Beginn 11.03.2019
eLearning zum Moodle-Kurs

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Intendierte Lernergebnisse


By the end of the course, students will be able to evaluate competing understandings of globalization, various theoretical views concerning globalization and development, deeper understanding of the role of the Global South in globalization processes and in particular the extant evolution of the concepts of governance and democracy.

Knowledge and understanding:

An understanding of the concept of globalization and contending definitions of it.

New conceptual vocabulary to discuss the forces of globalization and analyze globalization within a multidimensional conceptual framework

An understanding of the forces that determine the globalization process(es).

The ability to contextualize recent developments in a wider historical context – i.e. ability to articulate of the importance of historical perspective for understanding globalization.

Understanding of the political-economic relationships within and between different geopolitical and epistemic regions – i.e. between the “stuffed and starved”/“gefüllt and verhungert”.

Competence in scholarly writing and oral communication.

Lehrmethodik inkl. Einsatz von eLearning-Tools


Course grades will be figured on a 50 to 100 scale, that is: 60-69 4 – genügend; 70-79 3 – befriedigend; 80-89 2 – gut; and, 90-100 1 – sehr gut. 1 is warded for excellence and good steady work; 2 for good work; 3 for fair performance; a 4 for minimal competency and having completed the course, but barely; and 5 for non-attendance or non-competency.

The course grade, on a 100-point scale, will be assessed as follows:

A. Class Attendance and Participation (20 points)

Classroom participation will form an integral part of the course, and students will be expected to develop the ability to think clearly and critically, to ask questions, and to express their ideas.

B. Oral Presentation (30 points)

Each student will deliver a brief oral presentation on their topic/final paper. A sign-sheet will be made available in class, and the presentations will start by the second class session. The presentations (dt. or engl.) will be a brief 10 minute review of key points in their final paper, followed by commentary/analysis, and a brief class discussion to follow.

C. Final Exam (50 points)

Final exam will consist of essay (dt. or engl; cca. 10–15 pages) that should reflect a clear understanding of the readings and ideas we considered throughout semester.

Students are encouraged to consult with the instructor if they need any additional clarification. Please note that improvement throughout the course will be rewarded in the final grade. Evidence of inadequate preparation or participation, on the other hand, will also be reflected very strongly in the final grade.



Die Lehrveranstaltung wird zweisprachig (dt./engl.) abgehalten.

The course addresses various aspects and dimensions of the globalization process, so the students will be able to critically reflect the concept and, above all, its political and economic role.

Some of the key issues that will be explored include:

· Is globalization really a new phenomenon?

· Is globalization characterized by unification/universalism or rather fragmentation/particularism?

· How does globalization affect social/economic/political geography of the contemporary world? Is globalization really compressing the time and space aspects of social relations or rather the opposite?

· Is it possible/desirable to pursue infinite growth in a finite planet? If not, how to imagine sustainable/degrowth alternatives?

· How does globalization affect relations between developed countries and developing countries?

· How does globalization affect democracy?

Since globalization is a vast and also a very popular topic, we are facing a “double challenge”: subject matter that is all-encompassing as it is elusive because of plethora of loose and simplified narratives about it. Hence, the first part will analyze several key discourses on globalization (hyperglobalists vs. sceptics vs. transformationalists) and deconstruct several key concepts guiding our inquiry, inter alia, (under)development, progress, growth, democracy, epistemicide, human rights, (neo)colonialism. We start from the supposition that the Global South/Periphery/Third World is a constitutive element of the modernity/globalization project and as such cannot be defined outside of North/Center/the First World. The students will be exposed to a wide range of theories and approaches, with the post-development and modernity/coloniality/decoloniality (M/C/D) as a key one. In the second part, the course and seminars will focus on particular aspects/themes of globalization, where contemporary problems and breakthroughs within particular regions will be analyzed. Considering the complexity of the topics addressed, this part will also highlight methodological and epistemological problems in our inquiry or, put differently, need for multi-/counter-disciplinary approach needed to comprehend them properly.



There is no textbook for this course. Instead, I will prepare a reading list drawn from academic journals available at no cost to you. All reading materials will be posted on the course web page (Moodle) as PDF files and web links.


Im Fall von online durchgeführten Prüfungen sind die Standards zu beachten, die die technischen Geräte der Studierenden erfüllen müssen, um an diesen Prüfungen teilnehmen zu können.



Course grades will be figured on a 50 to 100 scale, that is: 60-69 4 – genügend; 70-79 3 – befriedigend; 80-89 2 – gut; and, 90-100 1 – sehr gut. 1 is warded for excellence and good steady work; 2 for good work; 3 for fair performance; a 4 for minimal competency and having completed the course, but barely; and 5 for non-attendance or non-competency.

The course grade, on a 100-point scale, will be assessed as follows:

A. Class Attendance and Participation (20 points)

Classroom participation will form an integral part of the course, and students will be expected to develop the ability to think clearly and critically, to ask questions, and to express their ideas.

B. Oral Presentation (30 points)

Each student will deliver a brief oral presentation on their topic/final paper. A sign-sheet will be made available in class, and the presentations will start by the second class session. The presentations (dt. or engl.) will be a brief 10 minute review of key points in their final paper, followed by commentary/analysis, and a brief class discussion to follow.

C. Final Exam (50 points)

Final exam will consist of essay (dt. or engl; cca. 10–15 pages) that should reflect a clear understanding of the readings and ideas we considered throughout semester.

Students are encouraged to consult with the instructor if they need any additional clarification. Please note that improvement throughout the course will be rewarded in the final grade. Evidence of inadequate preparation or participation, on the other hand, will also be reflected very strongly in the final grade.



Course grades will be figured on a 50 to 100 scale, that is: 60-69 4 – genügend; 70-79 3 – befriedigend; 80-89 2 – gut; and, 90-100 1 – sehr gut. 1 is warded for excellence and good steady work; 2 for good work; 3 for fair performance; a 4 for minimal competency and having completed the course, but barely; and 5 for non-attendance or non-competency.

The course grade, on a 100-point scale, will be assessed as follows:

A. Class Attendance and Participation (20 points)

Classroom participation will form an integral part of the course, and students will be expected to develop the ability to think clearly and critically, to ask questions, and to express their ideas.

B. Oral Presentation (30 points)

Each student will deliver a brief oral presentation on their topic/final paper. A sign-sheet will be made available in class, and the presentations will start by the second class session. The presentations (dt. or engl.) will be a brief 10 minute review of key points in their final paper, followed by commentary/analysis, and a brief class discussion to follow.

C. Final Exam (50 points)

Final exam will consist of essay (dt. or engl; cca. 10–15 pages) that should reflect a clear understanding of the readings and ideas we considered throughout semester.

Students are encouraged to consult with the instructor if they need any additional clarification. Please note that improvement throughout the course will be rewarded in the final grade. Evidence of inadequate preparation or participation, on the other hand, will also be reflected very strongly in the final grade.


Note Benotungsschema

Position im Curriculum

  • Besonderer Studienbereich Besonderer Studienbereich Friedensstudien (SKZ: 900, Version: 05S)
    • Fach: Erweiterungsbereich (Freifach)
      • Weitere anrechnungsfähige LVs aus anderen Studienplänen ( 0.0h / 0.0 ECTS)
        • 120.365 Gefüllt und verhungert: Globalisierung und Entwicklung (über)denken (2.0h SE / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Masterstudium Schulpädagogik (SKZ: 545, Version: 09W.3)
    • Fach: Gebundene Wahlfächer (Wahlfach)
      • Modul: Nachhaltige Entwicklung in einer sich globalisierenden Welt
        • Gesellschaftliche Veränderungsprozesse durch Globalisierung und Territoralisierung ( 2.0h XX / 4.0 ECTS)
          • 120.365 Gefüllt und verhungert: Globalisierung und Entwicklung (über)denken (2.0h SE / 4.0 ECTS)
  • Masterstudium Erwachsenen- und Berufsbildung (SKZ: 847, Version: 09W.3)
    • Fach: Gebundene Wahlfächer (Wahlfach)
      • Modul: Nachhaltige Entwicklung in einer sich globalisierenden Welt
        • Gesellschaftliche Veränderungsprozesse durch Globalisierung und Territorialisierung ( 2.0h XX / 4.0 ECTS)
          • 120.365 Gefüllt und verhungert: Globalisierung und Entwicklung (über)denken (2.0h SE / 4.0 ECTS)
            Absolvierung im 1., 2., 3. Semester empfohlen
  • Masterstudium Sozial- und Integrationspädagogik (SKZ: 846, Version: 09W.3)
    • Fach: Gebundene Wahlfächer (Wahlfach)
      • Modul: Nachhaltige Entwicklung in einer sich globalisierenden Welt
        • Gesellschaftliche Veränderungsprozesse durch Globalisierung und Territorialisierung ( 2.0h XX / 4.0 ECTS)
          • 120.365 Gefüllt und verhungert: Globalisierung und Entwicklung (über)denken (2.0h SE / 4.0 ECTS)

Gleichwertige Lehrveranstaltungen im Sinne der Prüfungsantrittszählung

Es liegt keine gleichwertige Lehrveranstaltung im Sinne der Prüfungsantrittszählung vor.