552.906 (21W) Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching b

Wintersemester 2021/22

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Erster Termin der LV
07.10.2021 12:00 - 14:00 N.0.42 On Campus
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Bedingt durch die COVID-19-Pandemie können kurzfristige Änderungen bei Lehrveranstaltungen und Prüfungen (z.B. Absage von Präsenz-Lehreveranstaltungen und Umstellung auf Online-Prüfungen) erforderlich sein.

Weitere Informationen zum Lehrbetrieb vor Ort finden Sie unter: https://www.aau.at/corona.
LV Nummer Südostverbund ENE01001UL
LV-Titel englisch Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching b
LV-Art Kurs (prüfungsimmanente LV )
LV-Modell Blended-Learning-Lehrveranstaltung
Online-Anteil 70%
Semesterstunde/n 2.0
ECTS-Anrechnungspunkte 2.5
Anmeldungen 22 (24 max.)
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
LV-Beginn 07.10.2021
eLearning zum Moodle-Kurs

This course will generally take place online though in-person sessions may be held insofar as this is possible pursuant to relevant local, regional, national, and university regulations. When necessary, online sessions may be held synchronously or asynchronously. See the Moodle course calendar for further information.

Zeit und Ort

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Intendierte Lernergebnisse

Students are introduced to theoretical and practical issues in foreign language teaching. Research findings from second language acquisition (SLA) and their implications for foreign language teaching are compared with the students' own language learning experience. A brief introduction will be given to some of the main approaches to foreign language teaching. Furthermore, attention will be drawn to ways of teaching pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and the four skills in the context of a language learning pedagogy with a communicative orientation.

Lehrmethodik inkl. Einsatz von eLearning-Tools

Instructor input, student discussion, student mini-presentations

This course will be conducted via blended-learning. This means there will be some classes when you will need to be present in the classroom, some where you are working on assignments on your own, and some where we are all online together (but not together in the same room). This schedule will be discussed and agreed upon with students insofar as possible. I will be in contact after the admission process (Aufnahmeselektion) is complete with further details. 

You should have, at a minimum, a device with a stable internet connection, a microphone, and (should it be needed) a camera. These will facilitate any eLearning sessions in this course. 


(1) Key approaches to SLA;

(2) Communicative language learning/teaching in the 21st century;

(3) Teaching vocabulary and grammar;

(4)  Teaching the four skills (reading, writing, listening & speaking);

(5) Content and language integrated learning.

Erwartete Vorkenntnisse

None. Students should show a general interest in English language learning and teaching.

Curriculare Anmeldevoraussetzungen

None, but check your respective curriculum to confirm.


Required Texts: 

1. Lightbown, Patsy, and Nina Spada. 2013. How Languages are Learned. Oxford: OUP. [ISBN 9780194541268]

2. Ur, Penny. 2012. A Course in English Language Teaching. Cambridge: CUP. [ISBN: 9781107684676]

Other required materials will be provided on the Moodle course page.


Im Fall von online durchgeführten Prüfungen sind die Standards zu beachten, die die technischen Geräte der Studierenden erfüllen müssen, um an diesen Prüfungen teilnehmen zu können.

Geänderte Prüfungsinformationen (COVID-19 Ausnahmeregelung)

The final examination for this course will take place in-person on campus when possible. Otherwise, it will be conducted online via Moodle. Students should follow university regulations regarding online examinations and are required to have the necessary equipment in order to take these exams.


Written final examination (may be conducted via Moodle) based on the assigned readings over the course of term


  • See course content for topics of examination. 


A passing grade of sixty percent is required on the final examination to pass the course. This percentage may change marginally depending on the number of questions/points on the final exam (this will be relayed to students in advance of the exam).


Note Benotungsschema

Position im Curriculum

  • Bachelor-Lehramtsstudium Bachelor Unterrichtsfach Englisch (SKZ: 407, Version: 17W.2)
    • Fach: Introduction to Foreign Language Didactics (Pflichtfach)
      • ENE.001 Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching ( 2.0h KS, PS / 2.5 ECTS)
        • 552.906 Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching b (2.0h KS / 2.5 ECTS)
          Absolvierung im 3. Semester empfohlen
  • Bachelor-Lehramtsstudium Bachelor Unterrichtsfach Englisch (SKZ: 407, Version: 15W.2)
    • Fach: Introduction to Foreign Language Didactics (Pflichtfach)
      • ENE.001 Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching ( 2.0h KS, PS / 2.5 ECTS)
        • 552.906 Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching b (2.0h KS / 2.5 ECTS)
          Absolvierung im 3. Semester empfohlen
  • Bachelor-Lehramtsstudium Bachelor Unterrichtsfach Englisch (SKZ: 407, Version: 19W.2)
    • Fach: Introduction to Foreign Language Didactics (Pflichtfach)
      • ENE.001 Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching ( 2.0h KS, PS / 2.5 ECTS)
        • 552.906 Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching b (2.0h KS / 2.5 ECTS)
          Absolvierung im 3. Semester empfohlen

Gleichwertige Lehrveranstaltungen im Sinne der Prüfungsantrittszählung

Wintersemester 2024/25
  • 552.905 KS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching a (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
  • 552.906 KS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching b (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
Sommersemester 2024
  • 552.905 KS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching a (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
  • 552.906 KS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching b (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
Wintersemester 2023/24
  • 552.905 KS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching a (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
  • 552.906 KS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching b (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
Sommersemester 2023
  • 552.905 KS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching a (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
  • 552.906 KS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching b (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
Wintersemester 2022/23
  • 552.905 KS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching a (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
  • 552.906 KS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching b (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
Sommersemester 2022
  • 552.905 KS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching a (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
  • 552.906 KS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching b (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
Wintersemester 2021/22
  • 552.905 KS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching a (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
Sommersemester 2021
  • 552.905 KS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching a (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
  • 552.906 KS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching b (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
Wintersemester 2020/21
  • 552.905 PS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching a (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
Sommersemester 2020
  • 552.905 PS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching a (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
  • 552.906 PS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching b (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
Wintersemester 2019/20
  • 552.905 PS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching a (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
Sommersemester 2019
  • 552.905 PS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching a (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
  • 552.906 PS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching b (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
Wintersemester 2018/19
  • 552.905 PS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching a (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
  • 552.906 PS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching b (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
Sommersemester 2018
  • 552.905 PS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
Wintersemester 2017/18
  • 552.905 PS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
Sommersemester 2017
  • 552.905 PS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching a (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
  • 552.906 PS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching b (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
Wintersemester 2016/17
  • 552.905 PS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching a (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
  • 552.906 PS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching b (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
Sommersemester 2016
  • 552.905 PS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching a (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
  • 552.906 PS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching b (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
Wintersemester 2015/16
  • 552.905 PS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching a (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
  • 552.906 PS Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching b (2.0h / 2.5ECTS)
Sommersemester 2014
  • 551.921 PS Introduction to English Language Teaching a (2.0h / 3.5ECTS)
  • 551.922 PS Introduction to English Language Teaching b (2.0h / 3.5ECTS)
Wintersemester 2013/14
  • 551.922 PS Introduction to English Language Teaching a (2.0h / 3.5ECTS)
Sommersemester 2013
  • 551.921 PS Introduction to English Language Teaching a (2.0h / 3.5ECTS)
  • 551.922 PS Introduction to English Language Teaching b (2.0h / 3.5ECTS)