Master data

Title: First Meeting of UNESCO Chairs Relating to Global Citizenship Education

UNESCO and APCEIU took the initiative to host the first meeting of the UNESCO Chairs relating to GCED, such as human rights education, peace education, education for international understanding, intercultural education, education for respect for cultural diversity, education for culture of peace, education for sustainable development, climate change education, etc. The first meeting will provide an opportunity to explore the need for a platform for UNESCO Chairs relating to GCED to exchange information and network with each other. It will also serve as an opportunity for identifying possible areas of collaboration among the UNESCO Chairs that may contribute to the realization of SDGs and particularly SDG 4.7. The UNESCO Chair "Global Citizenship Education - Culture of Diversity and Peace" of the University of Klagenfurt took part of the meeting with three collaborators and presented its project "GLOBAL CAMPUS ONLINE".

Keywords: Global Citizenship Education - UNESCO - Diversity Education - Peace Education
Short title: UNESCO GCED Meeting
City: Seoul
Country: Republic of Korea
Period: on 30.09.2022
Veranstaltungsstatus: stattgefunden (online)
Contact e-mail: -


Funding type Other
Event type
  • Congress/Conference
Subject areas
  • 506008 - Conflict research
  • 506006 - Peace studies
  • 503032 - Teaching and learning research
Research Cluster
  • Educational research
Group of participants
  • Mainly international
Event focus
  • Science to Science (Quality indicator: I)
working groups
  • UNESCO Chair "Global Citizenship Education - Culture of Diversity and Peace"


No available funding programs


Organisation Address
Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding
120, Saemal-ro, Guro-gu
08289 Seoul
Republic of Korea
120, Saemal-ro, Guro-gu
KR - 08289  Seoul

Lectures of the event

No related lectures