
Titel: Multilingualism and Transcultural Learning in the Curriculum of the Interdisciplinary Cross-Border Studies Master’s Program

The paper addresses one question: What makes the Cross-Border Studies (CBS) MA a multilingual study program? The first part presents  the CBS MA curriculum, developed on the basis of current research literature on multilingualism and transcultural learning. The multilingual essence of the trans-  and interdisciplinary CBS MA program is visible among others in the German-  and English-lang uage tracks. Besides these languages of instruction, the MA program encompasses at least two target languages, one of which is mandatorily Slavic (BCMS, Russian or Slovene). The intended objective of the CBS MA is to educate future experts who will actively operate between languages and cultures. Therefore, the program’s  focus  is  not  on  acquiring  language  skills  only,  but  also  skills  in  the  intercultural,  i.e., interpersonal, sociolinguistic, and social areas. These are covered in the inter-  and transdisciplinary compulsory and guided electives (Gebundene Wahlfächer). In the second part of the paper, the CBS MA is discussed in the context of multilingual and multicultural universities. We argue that it is possible to introduce English as a language of instruction and keep a multilingual setting, which includes preserving the local languages. Numerous strategies used within the program both in and outside the classroom to reinforce multilingualism and language diversity are presented.

Schlagworte: multilingualism, Cross-Border Studies Master’s degree program, Slavic, Germanic, and Romance languages, University of Klagenfurt
Publikationstyp: Beitrag in Zeitschrift (Autorenschaft)
Erscheinungsdatum: 27.01.2023 (Online)
Erschienen in: DiSlaw  ( M. Winkler, M. Kaltseis )
Titel der Serie: DiSlaw: Didaktik slawischer Sprachen
Bandnummer: 2
Heftnummer: 2
Erstveröffentlichung: Ja
Version: -
Seite: S. 32 - 44


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Erscheinungsdatum: 27.01.2023
ISBN (e-book): -
eISSN: -
Homepage: -
Open Access
  • Online verfügbar (Open Access)


Organisation Adresse
Fakultät für Kultur- und Bildungswissenschaften
Institut für Slawistik
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
zur Organisation
Universitätsstraße 65-67
AT - 9020  Klagenfurt am Wörthersee


  • 602007 - Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft
  • 508004 - Interkulturelle Kommunikation
  • Bildungsforschung
  • n.a.
Informationen zum Zitationsindex: Master Journal List
Peer Reviewed
  • Ja
  • Science to Science (Qualitätsindikator: n.a.)
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  • AG Mehrsprachigkeit


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