
Titel: Meanings of parenting and dis/ability for mothers and fathers with intellectual disabilities in the context of social work in Austria
Untertitel: Potentials of deconstruction for shifts in meaning

This study critically explores the meanings of parenting and dis/ability for mothers and fathers with intellectual disabilities in the context of social work in Austria. The aim was to gain insights into what it means to be a mother/father with intellectual disability in Austria by analyzing how parenting with intellectual disabilities is publicly discussed, how social work professionals perceive supporting parents with intellectual disabilities and how mothers and fathers with intellectual disabilities experience parenthood. The findings reveal that negative understandings of disability collide with notions of responsible parenting. Mothers and fathers with intellectual disabilities were subject to child welfare interventions, experienced discreditation and were perceived as deviant from normal families. Social work professionals aimed to support parents with intellectual disabilities and, at the same time, to normalize them by pursuing their independence from services. The findings also point to systemic challenges for social work, including time and financial constraints and difficulties in cross-service cooperation, due to the division into child welfare and disability services. Conceptualized as a figure that represents de/constructions of parenting and dis/ability on three levels, the study findings reveal opportunities for social work with mothers and fathers with intellectual disabilities to deconstruct long-term support needs as antithesis to hegemonic ideals. In this sense, deconstruction in the context of social work offers potentials for shifts in meaning.

Schlagworte: disability, mothering, fathers, social work practice, Child welfare, parents
Publikationstyp: Beitrag in Zeitschrift (Autorenschaft)
Erscheinungsdatum: 12.08.2022 (Online)
Erschienen in: Qualitative Social Work
Qualitative Social Work
zur Publikation
 ( SAGE Journals; K. Staller, L. Morriss )
Titel der Serie: -
Bandnummer: -
Heftnummer: -
Erstveröffentlichung: Ja
Version: -
Seite: -


Keine Version vorhanden
Erscheinungsdatum: 12.08.2022
ISBN (e-book): -
eISSN: -
Homepage: -
Open Access
  • Online verfügbar (Open Access)



Organisation Adresse
Fakultät für Kultur- und Bildungswissenschaften
Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft und Bildungsforschung
Arbeitsbereich Sozialpädagogik und Inklusionsforschung
Universitätsstr. 65-67
A-9020 Klagenfurt
zur Organisation
Universitätsstr. 65-67
AT - A-9020  Klagenfurt


  • 503027 - Sozialpädagogik
  • 504011 - Familienforschung
  • 504014 - Gender Studies
  • 509002 - Disability Studies
  • Bildungsforschung
  • Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)
Informationen zum Zitationsindex: Master Journal List
Peer Reviewed
  • Ja
  • Science to Science (Qualitätsindikator: I)
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