Master data

Title: Minority Topics, Ethnic Questions and Their Potential for Memory Work in School

Divergent narratives and memories face each other in a certain hierarchy. The dramatic events of the last century are interpreted differently in a democratic and pluralistic society, and different societies hand down disparate hegemonial narratives and counter-narratives. Two recent research projects in the field of memory studies in education have been conducted in the Austrian bilingual region of Kärnten/Koroška. Both projects focused on suspected transformations of memory culture towards more inclusive narratives in educational work. The following article introduces the methodology of these projects, along with new perspectives extracted from the assembled data – with a certain focus on ethnic aspects and the question of minorities in memory culture. Perspectives on how these matters could address and foster contemporary school lessons conclude the article. 

Keywords: memory culture, historical and political education, minorities, ethnicity, memory of the others.
Publication type: Article in journal (Authorship)
Publication date: 06.2021 (Print)
Published by: Treatises and documents – Razprave in gradivo
Treatises and documents – Razprave in gradivo
to publication
 ( Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja – Institute for Ethnic Studies; )
Title of the series: -
Volume number: -
Issue: 86
First publication: Yes
Version: -
Page: pp. 33 - 48


Keine Version vorhanden
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ISBN (e-book): -
eISSN: -
Homepage: -
Open access
  • Available online (open access)
Publication date: 06.2021
ISSN: 0354-0286
Homepage: -


Organisation Address
Fakultät für Kultur- und Bildungswissenschaften
Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft und Bildungsforschung
Arbeitsbereich Allgemeine Erziehungswissenschaft und diversitätsbewusste Bildung
Universitätsstr. 65-67
A-9020 Klagenfurt
To organisation
Universitätsstr. 65-67
AT - A-9020  Klagenfurt


Subject areas
  • 503006 - Educational research
  • 503033 - Political education
Research Cluster
  • Educational research
Citation index
  • n.a.
Information about the citation index: Master Journal List
Peer reviewed
  • Yes
Publication focus
  • Science to Science (Quality indicator: I)
Classification raster of the assigned organisational units:
working groups No working group selected


Organisation Address
Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten, Institut für Mehrsprachigkeit und Transkulturelle Bildung
Hubertusstraße 1
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Austria - Carinthia
Hubertusstraße 1
AT - 9020  Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

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